This is my Abigail Praise and her bear. Abi has had Beary for many years. I guess I would think that was silly if I didn't still have my own bear from when I was very young (22).

We all need things to hold on to
We all need memories....why do you think the invention of the camera went over so well?
We all need to remember the great moments and ponder the not so great ones, grow, and go on.
I want you to remember Abi's little face here because one day soon she is going to replace Beth Moore. I am sure Beth will be happy to share the stage with another great Bible teacher. Abi loves to learn and teach God's word. She already practices her speeches and what she will say. She wants women to know how much God loves them and has a plan for their lives. I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.........
Please pray for Abi as she grows into a godly young woman!
Now go and get out your old stuffed animal and give it a hug....go on now...it's okay!
God bless you!
Do you follow Beth's blog? She is a breath of fresh air! I have always loved Abi's full name... Abigail Praise... great name that apparently suits her well!
You need to videotape Abi sharing God's Word and practicing! When God's Word comes forth from a child's mouth... there is nothing so convicting! I don't think it's cute and sweet, just downright powerful! He has SO MUCH to say through the mouths of our children...if we are brave and humble enough to listen closely, we'll hear Him speaking. I truly believe that. My children can sermonize something fierce at times.... cool stuff.
Aw I love this blog Cheryl! Great job!
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