Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Post!

Any suggestions? I love posting but sometimes just don't have any good posting idea's.

What do you think would be some interesting posts?
Let's hear some suggestions!

I'm waiting......
Still here.......
Okay, I'm going to go and make a sandwich...when I get back I'd love to read your suggestions.....

.....still waiting........


Anonymous said...

Try posting a video tour of the new building! :)
How 'bout your "favorites"... blog, recipe, web site, Bible Study, ice cream, restaurant, etc... you get the idea! :)
OR do a book review!

Bryonm said...

wow you are speechless....??It's just writers block. You'll get over it.
Susan M

Terry Bleau said...

How about writing about your lovely extended family??
Just kidding. You know too much.
Love you,

Bryonm said...

this is a GREAT post...

hey. did you see susan impersonating me???